This is a one and a half hour seminar, that was recorded live, to share my secrets to reducing everyday stress to live a happier and easier life. I discuss my four, most useful, life hacks with you that you can effortlessly apply for a brighter future! You don’t have to have an ‘issue’ to benefit from this course. It is for anyone who has a curious mind. I share tried and tested concepts and tools, I have learned and use every day, that you can implement immediately. If you want to know how to stress less and enjoy your life more, then this is the course for you! "This seminar is brilliant. It is full of really enlightening stuff leading to life changing results. Everyone can change their life for the better with Rob's help. Incredible. He's quite amazing." - Vicky "Rob's positive attitude to life is infectious. His seminar is uplifting and inspiring and anyone thinking of attending should jump at the chance!!" - Julie "Rob is really easy to listen to and his presentation is wonderfully put together without bombarding you with lots of pictures or jargon. To quote the man himself “life really is simple” and I, for one, am looking forward to the next instalment." - Karen "Brilliant, easy going, uplifting seminar. Rob has a natural, captivating speaker's talent. Highly recommended for all people who need simple directions through a complicated life." - Erika "Fab! - It came at just the right time for me. It made so much sense - everyone should see this and the world would be all the better for it ... Honestly, I know it sounds too good to be true but that's how much it's helped me." - Kathy "Everyone should experience this. It is one of the best things I've ever done. The subject matter is inspiring in itself, but Rob's delivery is just fantastic." - Elle Ready to achieve your business goals? A business plan is your secret weapon to get everyone excited about what’s next.
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